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Proprietary Enzyme Blends…why hide the formula?

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, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (February 18, 2011)

If you’ve done some research on enzymes, especially systemic enzymes, by now you have found it is extremely difficult to compare each brand.   Many of the manufacturers list a blend of enzymes without giving out specific ingredient quantities or strengths.  It almost feels like trying to comparison shop for a mattress from one store to another…it’s impossible to compare!

Well unlike mattresses, major enzyme companies aren’t doing this to make it more difficult for YOU!  They make their blends “proprietary” to make it difficult for competitors to replicate.  Creating a world class enzyme blend isn’t like making a multivitamin.  The strengths and quantities of individual enzymes in a blend work synergistically.  A small tweak of a highly proteolytic enzyme can significantly change the results of a blend significantly for the better or worse.

Perfect example:  World Nutrition developed Vitalzym in 2001.  We believe Vitalzym to be the best selling serrapeptase blend in the world.  Countless (at least 25!) companies have tried to duplicate the results of Vitalzym.  Google “Vitalzym” and you’ll be sure to find a few.  But after 10 years, we haven’t seen one company that’s been able to create the same results using the same ingredients listed on the Vitalzym bottle.  Why?  Because World Nutrition keeps their formula proprietary. 

So we don’t look at it as a negative at all.  We appreciate the amount of time, research, and expense it must’ve taken to perfect the formula.  Just like Coca Cola, it’s the Real Thing and they have a right to keep it a secret.  So if you’re looking for a proven systemic enzyme, Vitalzym is time-tested, unparalleled, and still a great value.  If you’re shopping for a mattress…you’re on your own.

Visit us at www.expressnaturals.com.

Increase Protein Absorption with Vitalzym

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, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Vitalzym, Author: admin (February 17, 2011)

Clinical studies have shown that supplementation with high quality proteolytic enzymes, such as Vitalzym, enable the body to better absorb proteins.

Proteins are large molecules made up of amino acids.  The large protein molecules must be broken down in to these smaller amino acids before absorption can occur.  This process begins in the stomach where hydrochloric acid breaks apart protein bonds so that a naturally occurring proteolytic enzyme (pepsin) can begin to break them down further down into amino acids. 

The digestion of the protein continues in the upper small intestine, known as the duodenum.  Proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin) manufactured by the pancreas allow for further breakdown of the proteins.  Vitalzym is unique in that it is formulated for optimum performance in this duodenum region.  As a highly proteolytic enzyme mixture, Vitalzym is able to supplement your body’s own enzymes to help break down the protein in the duodenum to prepare it for absorption.  This process, known as hydrolysis, must occur to allow for proper amino acid absorption.

If the protein molecules have been properly broken down in to amino acids, they are absorbed by tiny capillaries in the small intestine and pass through to the bloodstream.  Once in the bloodstream, the amino acids are distributed by both red blood cells and by the liquid blood plasma to tissues throughout the body where they are used in the creation and repair of cell structures.2

If the protein is not properly broken down, small amounts of whole or partial proteins may be absorbed into the bloodstream.  The presence of protein instead of amino acids in the bloodstream may lead to food allergies, to a shock reaction called anaphylaxis, to other symptoms typical of an allergy, such as sneezing, breathing difficulties, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, or even, in severe cases, death.3

Vitalzym has been recommended by thousands of health professionals worldwide, including athletic trainers and clinical nutritionists for improved recovery time and optimal protein absorption.*

Contributed by Express Naturals © 2010 All Rights Reserved


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1  Glade MJ, Kendra D, Kaminski MV, Jr. Improvement in protein utilization in nursing-home

patients on tube feeding supplemented with an enzyme product derived from Aspergillus niger

and bromelain. Nutrition 2001;17(4):348-50.

2 Anne Collins, annecollins.com Guide to Digestion of Protein 2007

3  Dr. Beth Gruber, carbsmart.com Protein Digestion and Absorption 2001

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